1 Nina Mikkonen , Kuopio, Finland
Interests: lattaritanssi, running, gym, dog shows
Nina is the dominant maiden Savon, who has been dreaming of Miss Finland Cup-a little girl up. He is studying the commercial sector, and especially trying and management Savonia Sciences. In addition, he has performed at the Open University food science basic studies, and plans to study in the field even more.
2 Annie New Power , Nurmijärvi
Hobbies: Gym, running, inline skating and snowboarding in Finland
Anni says he is a man who always wants to make things a little differently than most. So he announced that the primary school after high school that wants to go Anna Tapion boarding school.
3 Linnea Aaltonen , Espoo, Finland
Hobbies: dancing, badminton, various gymnastic exercises
Landscape architecture is the third year in the Aalto University's student Linnea mentions of his life so far wildest tempuksi surprise representation of Miss Tourism International - Malesisassa beauty contests. Miss World contest, he also participated in the 2006 Miss Earth contest.
4 Iin Pyymäki , Lahti, Finland
Does not want to comment on the dating issue.
Hobbies: gym, jogging
Theft from iin to be moved into the Gulf of studies, followed by 2005. A few vuottta later, he graduated from a beautician, but now he works at the gym a live person. Pickings, he is also a model and public relations work.
5 Sara Sieppi , Oulu, Finland
Hobbies: gym, jogging
So far the biggest thing in my life has been moving a half years ago, the home town of Tornio, Oulu, Sara says, after thinking for a while.
The youngest of the race last spring is a student who spends the interim years of working as a seller.
6 Rita Aalto Lahti , Turku
Interests: fashion design, fitness, knitting, cooking
Rita Aalto Lahti was Miss Finland-finals in 2006.
- I was very shy. Now I've got a lot of courage and developed ulosantiani and sanavalmiuttani. Experience brings certainty, "he says.
7 Niina Lavonen , Pori
Hobbies: Gym, swimming, jogging, boating, berry picking
Business economics student power Niina Lavoselta found enthusiastic supporters of the family ranks.
- I have two older brothers and a twin brother. They all have encouraged quite that much, he says happily.
8 Ennileena Siitonen , Vantaa
Hobbies: horse riding, aerobics, gym, singing
Hairdresser working Ennileena Siitonen lives in Vantaa, mother and brother. Diary Ennileena to keep the men alive who have personality and twinkle in his eye.
- Personality is important yes. But I do not inject a bad idea if the man is a rock-style. It appeals to me.
Strong puolikseen Ennileena mentions a real person, and ilmeikkyyden reippauden.
9 Helena Riihimäki Tupa , Nokia
Interests: sports in various forms, painting
Nokia, a resident of Helena Riihimäki Tupa moved away from their parents at an early age when he left high school in Turku. Last spring, she graduated and moved back home, where he also has two sisters.
- Now I can appreciate the fact that do not have to do everything yourself. Back home modification is oppressive, but on the contrary it is nice when you have company, he says.
Helena is currently spending a gap year, during which he has made a substitute teacher in elementary school.
10 Pia Pakarinen , Joensuu
Hobbies: Gym, hiking
Pia Pakarinen lives with her boyfriend. The couple has been dating for almost three years.
- I hope that relationship will take over the mission. Not too well the relationship is weighed, "he says.
Richard moved to break even in the age of 16, since the family lived off the beaten track so that, for example, creates friends had a long journey.
- It aikuistui quickly learned to fend for themselves.
Special thanks to www.iltasanomat.fi
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